Privacy Statement

Ihmiset ylittämässä katua Helsingissä.

Privacy Statement Personal Data Act (523/99) 10 § and 24 §

Candidate Register/Tuocon Oy

1. Controller

Tuocon Oy
Tietotie 9
01530 Vantaa

2. The person in charge of the register

Johanna Tanskanen
Tietotie 9
01530 VANTAA

3. Name of the register

Candidate register

4. The purpose of the use of the register

The register is used in providing executive search and recruiting services of Tuocon Oy.

5. Data content of the register

The register contains information given by the candidate during a executive search or recruitment process.

6. Regular sources of information

The data is obtained from documents given by the candidate such as CV, cover letter and possible interviews.

7. Regular destinations of disclosed data

The data is only given to potential employers with the consent of the applicant.

8. Transferring of disclosed data outside of EU

Information will only be transferred with the consent of the candidate or by virtue of law.

9. Principles of securing the register

Digitally stored information is protected by usernames and passwords. Access rights are given only to specified persons.

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